Friday, February 11, 2011

Young Women President

Back at the end of November I was called to be the Young Women President. I had no idea exactly what it would entail. Just bits and pieces I gathered from when I was a young woman and the time spent serving as first counselor for the last 8 months prior.

Well, I have to tell you, I have found out. It is lots and lots of time, energy, spiritual thought, being organized, shopping, paper crafts, wood crafts, fabric crafts, teaching, lessons, preparing food, running a fundraiser, giving advice, satin flowers, and lots and lots of love. This is not all, but what I'm feeling at the moment, and what I've experienced since the time I was called. It is very rewarding to say the very least.

These are the blocks I made for the young women for New Beginnings illustrating 2011's mutual theme.