As most weeks are, this week has been rather busy one. I was able to do a couple of projects that I've been meaning to do for quite some time. Our palm tree died about a year ago, and I've been meaning to get a new one. While I was shopping at the Commissary on Thursday, believe it or not, they had one for $5.99. Since I already had the pot, which is the biggest investment anyway, I was able to get this project off of my invisible checklist and add a nice shade of green to our living space. I hope I can keep this one happy for endless enjoyment, hopefully, and for making my days just a little brighter.

We had a friend and her two kids over for a dinner a couple of weeks ago, and Kelsey got to sit in the big girl chair instead of her own high chair because their little boy was younger than her and he needed a high chair. She hasn't wanted to sit in her high chair since then, and I finally gave in to her wishes. So here she is, our "big" little girl sitting at the table eating her meal. She is liking it so much better and her appetite seems to have picked up since the change. Here the girls are enjoying their leftover Ham and AuGratin potoatoes and devilled eggs, the only two things they liked on the Easter Menu.
I peeked outside yesterday when I was working on the granola bars, and this is the sight that I saw. Kayley was swinging Kelsey in her lap. She was being ever so gentle so that Kelsey would be safe, and they were laughing and enjoying themselves.This is the first time that I've seen them play like this on the swing, and it made my heart so happy to see Kayley being the little nurturer that she is and Kelsey loving her big "sissy" so very much.