Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Cole Kids Easter

These are our dyed Easter Eggs. All of us pitched in to get them dyed in these vibrant colors. Samuel and Kayley did most of the painting on our eggs. They are quite the little artists.


All of the kids were super-excited to finally get outside and put some eggs in their baskets. Gabriel and Samuel took it slow to allow Kayley and Kelsey to get some eggs. Kayley thought she was supposed to get all the eggs including the "MONEY" egg. She did not find it, Samuel did, and it ruined the rest of her egg hunting experience as you will see in the rest of the group photos. Kelsey loved running around the yard carrying her purple basket. She loves carrying things around. She adores carrying purses and baskets. You can see her exuberance in the photo below. It is priceless. . .

 The rest of the photos were taken after the egg hunt. Notice the amount of eggs in each basket. Kayley totally took advantage of the boys taking it slowly. We'll have to do something about this next year. . .

Kelsey is trying desperately to get her egg open so that she can get to the candy inside. Kayley gave me a little bit of a smile because I told her if she smiled she could have a cookie when we went inside. The things we do to get our kids to smile for the camera.

Kelsey wasn't quite ready to go inside, so I took advantage to take a few more shots of her cute smiling face.

Mostly happy kids after our Easter egg hunt.

Easter Morning before church, we were able to snap a few shots of the kids in their Sunday Best.

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